A Here say Comment that a democrat - a liberal or a conservative - can not withstand his/her own position for long ..! Secular Democracy lead by USA / NATO Allies that still want by all their destructive military aggressions and/or invasions; side by side with their international laws / human rights violations to continue their cohesion to the true Monotheistic and/or the Islamic World - in particular- in order to further impose their elements of secularism and bring their democratic corruptions' ideas into the Muslims' societies .. ! It is obviously observed that USA B.Obama whom declared he is not fighting Islam and Muslims; in his political speech(es); in both Turkey and Egypt in order to sedate by a new form of socio-political hypnosis; addressed to our Islamic politicians and Muslim people in their home land(s); providing the evidence and the fact(s) that he is the same man who is strongly believed - still :
1. leading the intensified military aggressive invasions' operations associated by occupation to both Iraq and Afghanistan where their military war operations are more concentrated towards killing more Muslims especially whom are in the process of resistance against the imposed Western Democratic Secularism , bearing and driving heavy steel machines and exploding fires everywhere they desire ..?!!
2. He is the same Man - who denied his true identity belonging to his father being a Muslim - and questionably admits back words to be a Christian NOT A Muslim .. In Quran there is many verse / ayah discussing the position of a Muslim by birth ( the religion of his socio-genetic father ) converted into ' Murtad ' or into ' Christian Trinity believer ' ; back words against the proper and/or the justified development in the belief in Monotheism; The socio-political, the cultural (of democratic secularism) of such a leadership of B. Obama can not be trusted by Muslims as people; what so ever he is trying to promote because his system of Monotheistic and/or Islamic thoughts is strongly believed to be questionable, unstable and/or having no reliable foundation(s) to be listen to; or to follow by the political leadership of our Muslims' politicians and our people ..
3. Such USA president's Pentagon is still aiming for getting more money towards their aggressive development and the production of destructive military Weapons ; to redevelop more dangerous powerful bombs in order to destroy any underground facilities in Afghanistan and/or in Iran, His appointed military / CIA related authorities - as it seems - even as their country is facing economic recession - persuading the USA Congress to facilitate more probably billions of dollars in funds to produce these kinds heavily destructive weapons that if it shoots the nuclear facilities, it will definitely result into nuclear emissions of radiation -biolife death ; it can still severely affect our people living in these areas of the Islamic world , In Iran , Pakistan or else where as in Pakistan even if these nuclear facilities are presently used for civil purposes .. Obama dared to probably lie; as hiding his real intentions; as a typical democrat politician stating that ' the USA ( with its Pentagon administration) and its president B.Obama are not in war against Islam ' while their actions - in fact - have its own hypocritical political double standards ; His Military and Intelligence agencies of the Pentagon wanted to recreate their stronger bombs to destroy any underground facilities, caves from where Afghanistan resistance fights the illegal military invasions onto their home lands ..! Clearly, He is taking the position of fighting both directly and indirectly any related Islamic People foundations and/or country especially those whom are in opposition to secular democracy with its global cultural invasion(s), Whom are opposing the Western Eastern economic control(s) or the Western organized military invasions to the Islamic World's home lands where they are building more USA military bases, creating thus real threats to the people and to the true peace .. For keeping the USA/ NATO War of Domination completed against human freedom and to be in full control over everybody and over our political, economic and socio-cultural independence ..! Here In Light of True Concepts of Fundamental Justice and the International Laws; Serious Concerns are now being addressed to the public and to the international community by Surecracy:
1. WHO HIRE USA, UK, Canada and NATO allies to be the sole players - with their arrogance - to be the sole police-military man; to go anywhere they want, at any time; without respect to any law(s) and to the Islamic Shariha foundations but solely to their only questionable laws and/or views: of enslaving others via economico-political form(s) of imperialism supported by their newly invented methods and tactics of exploitations via Democratic Capitalism, Keeping further the third world in poverty in depth while they are getting richer, more secular and greedy .. Western Democrats are always willing to violate the international laws, attack members in united nations as independent countries and being supported by their crimes against basic human rights, humanity while the shooting and murdering fires by their own war crimes against the Muslims and/or the civilians without any punishment to those arrogant politicians and military professional paid war killers , seen a soldiers democrat .. etc. ..?
2. WHO Dare To state that the G8 Summit countries and in addition to the Zionist State Of Israel do have the sole legal right(s) to carry their most developed nuclear weapons including : Atomic, Hydrogen and Neutron bombs ..etc.to support the back-up of their military controlling invasions while other nations do not have an equal / equivalent right(s) to do the same or to carry out similar weapons to defend themselves and secure their countries against Democrats occupations and corrupted economic manipulations to the national resources and enforcement of globalization in every dimension against Islamic Independence .. This bears within itself an injustified hypocritical and unacceptable double standards ..! They have already polluted our air and waters, and even soil with their nuclear wastes and byproducts of the past, war races between East -West .. If You Mr. B.Obama want that Iran , Pakistan and any other independent nation - facing the fears , the pressures and the national insecurity as facing USA/NATO aggressions, military destructive invasions - then you must equally dis-arm these superpowers as well including USA, UK, France, Russia, China ..etc and even Israel ..etc similarly and equally from their major nuclear weapons related production facilities - at the first place - Who made you the Arrogant God(s) / Godfather as in your Hollywood Movies; to decide for anybody else and other people like us ; what they must or should do to defend themselves against your continual governments' threats , your Western barbaric Roma / Athena's-like fire and steel military invasions and your actions to bring wars in order to turn over - as your desires like !- others, believers in Monotheism especially Muslims; against any Islamic and any anti-Western Allies / anti-secular democratic governments ? who said that American and Western Democracies and non functional governing theories and models are the best for others ? Can you presently do the same and do exercise your powers similarly against China and its Communism ?! Why don't you show us your muscles somewhere else as out there by invading China and North Korea while you are in the hell of your NATO/USA troubles in facing few resistant Islamic Militants groups ?!! Where are you taking yourself and your people ? Do you think you are winning really this war in Afghanistan or history is going to repeat itself by another September 11 ? Do you think that they are stupid and/or they will gave up against their powerful religious will leading them to sacrifice their lives for true justice and enforcement of Islamic -Quran'ic Shariha ? Where is your justified view(s) ? where muscles - in a longer term war - opening more war front lines of fights, in a world that is becoming like a jungle of Darwinists Practices in politics while more people are aware highly enough to distrust your cowboys like -policeman authorities of the 18th century or in the 1960s against the black minorities in USA? Where is now your military courage in North Korea ?!! , or in China or against Iran ?!! Can you do it in presence of your actual limitations ?! Your war is presently limited solely within the borders of Iraq and of Afghanistan, , undergoing drainage of your troops - not for long - against the Islamic Jihad Militants and the Talibani tribe armed group(s) which have cost your country and NATO allies - since September 11th,2001 -more than it costs you in a third world war against Communism ..!! Do you think that those people are stupid not to see and understand that or what they are doing ?!! Here we are seeing and are hearing the Western language of powers which is solely used against weak poor people or the small tribes or countries ; in our developing nations; practiced by those Western armored cowboys acting as the free Outlaws and which disrespects the other people's belief and their freedom ?! Not -in any mean - the language of Western fairness and/or justice principles in treating the others ? especially those whom swallowed bitterly all the negative, destructive effects of secular democracy; turning their lives into instabilities, poverty and social-immorality being brought with secular democracy ?!Who can trust you further - as leaders or as politicians - whom has dragged their own people into the deepest troubles and the dark side effects of your secular democracy and its grave mistakes ; taking itself and its people into its deepest economic recessions, biggest socio-political drawbacks / instabilities, environmental and immoral collapse(s) ..etc. ? What you did - as Democrats - in the past and in the present with your questionable leadership to the world - as history recorded - with your arrogant troubling ideological / political behaviors and conflicts - from the past to the present as the secular democrats carrying the consequences of their own stupidity and their narrow visions ; leading to eradicate millions of valuable human lives, disrupting peace and waisting our worldwide human resources ?! How can we trust you while you can not be trusted by your own people; because of your previous leaders presidents and USA governments ended by George W.Bush and in UK by Tony Blair as war criminals, followed up by their successors on the same path of wars ?! We have seen this distrust clearly in the eyes of your own people ; being shaken as Americans and British individuals; We have seen that during the elections associated with the factor of ignorance and the factor of fear(s) manipulated by your democrats' politicians taking its advantage to their own individualist or party advantage(s) in order to opportunistically jump upon the chair of governing powers , leading their nations into more troubles with democracy !! We have seen it in the eyes of your own people while carrying back your killed soldiers of your occupation wars in Iraq, in Afghanistan and We have seen such a distrust in the eyes of your people even during their faced natural disasters related to the causes of your global warming and the acts of God, where your TV screens showed your disparate American people with the distrust in their incapable democratic government(s) to act properly for its own people sake - whom were suffering - on time they need help most and nobody was able to handle it or even be accountable out there ?!! Where were your moral values - as democratic government leaders - at these times ?!
In conclusion, From Our Surecratic Opposing Points Of View : we are strongly and justly believing that USA / NATO Democrats have absolutely no legal , no legitimate rights to tell others and/or to control and/or to destroy our lives , our Islamic needed establishments by their acts of war in our lands; because we are different people from you and we are not willing sell our Islamic identity nor willing to bent - as your TV media fake shows broadcasted in your history - for kissing the shoes of your soldiers, standing behind the Egyptians and the Syrian troops in the ground front lines in Kuwait, as it happened in Gulf war I or to sell our moral justified values in order to make a dummy copy of your fake democratic - troubled identity; We simply Distrust Democracy in both theory or its practice(s) and We do have certainly our own competant ideology: Surecracy as the best alternative to people .. You have no legal right to obstruct us anymore, or obstruct our natural civilized development and even our Islamic Nuclear Programs because we did never used it in destruction of humanity as you - Democrats - did in your past !! , We do have equal rights to develop our own programs - same as the others- did and are still presently doing everywhere else in China, Korea, Russia, USA, Israel, UK .. These developmental legal nuclear energy right(s) are granted by our will, freedom protected and granted by the God Of Monotheism: the God of Islam, granting all of these rights in the Holy Qu'ran especially those for living within the Islamic World - in security against your military invasions as records of your past and the present clearly indicate ?!! Nobody has such a right to stop the Islamic related nuclear civilized and developing program(s); especially as long as these East -West questionable nuclear programs and nuclear arms are carried, continued , experimented everywhere else especially by those untrusted secular Western Democrats and Communists' Democrats taking themselves to no limitations to create the World's instability and biggest depressions by their abuse of political powers and/or millitary war operations ..!
It is in itself a violation - in lights of equality, the basic principles of conceptual justice and in lights of the international laws as well - which equally allow these governments and its own people to redevelop what they need for covering up their own development needs and/or security necessities, especially being directed to create a balance against those well known democratic military invaders whom are willing to open their arms' fires at others at any time they wanted without control .. United Nations seems in itself was almost USELESS in stopping USA / NATO from their invasions and their declared wars of democrats, useless to dis-arm them from all the types of mass destruction weapons which threaten the security of all the developing world's nations where they experiment their weapons upon our people ..! Here, our ideological and contemporary political appeal(s) of Surecracy - in debate(s) - are reasonably and fully justified against democracy and its democrats mal-practicing their powers to waste people's human lives and the world limitted resources ..!!
We did not hire you Mr. B.Obama or Mr. G.Bush to be the policeman in our free countries or hired you for the purpose of imposing your secular-underdeveloped democratic regime views and/or your questionably formulated secular constitution(s) which do(es) not stabilize real peace in human lives, it all needs further review(s) upon what is still missing in it to be acceptable and/or justified ?!! especially in the presence of many of your controversial legislation and/or laws .. The world can not be ruled according to your troubles of democracy ?!! Nobody of Muslims' people(s) have hired any of you to be our leaders in the Islamic World and/or countries ?! No body hire you - by our people - to impose upon us or to interfere with your war threats against our Muslims' elected politicians and/or governments ..!! This is our justified reality .. Are you hiring yourself by yourself to play the role of a cowboy military policeman ?!! Then expect the worst of what could happen as the Islamic Resistance and revolution grows on and on towards further counteracting explosions ?! It started by September 11Th,2001 and Solely God knows when or what can come unexpectedly or surprisingly next in the arena of war and fights? The real change(s) became a must and even a necessity; in both national and international politics that need the pro-active rule of Surecracy in order to avoid what has been happening very wrong by Democrats in the past ?!! Western Democracy - by its nature - is certainly doubted to be really capable of bring these needed peaceful developmental and balanced changes ..? Surecracy is the sole contemporary political human ideology which can fill all types of these recorded gaps and missing mechanisms to properly correct democracy , that is being debated and/or being challenged by- us at all the times- since Surcracy date of birth ..!
Remember Mr. B.Obama to Start by yourself first and by your country second which had Atomically bombed both Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II among democrats .!, We never forget that in your democratic secular history, Start by Israel Zionists State ( opposed by true Jewish believers ) which has factually - presently - hundred(s) of all types of nuclear arm heads and all its related production nuclear facilities and programs in sercrecy; do not use - here - your own biased / stupid democratic double standards or even try pretend such democratic stupidly / lie(s) in order to fool the public or the world whom knows and presently is watching closely everything !! and do not blame - Mr. President - the others, that they are seeking for solutions to redevelop and/or to protect themselves against the foulishness of Democratic Capitalism ! ; because your democratic history is bloody enough and has been recording all themes of invasions, wars and illegal uncivilized violence especially against the peaceful Muslims and others whom do have an equivalent right in getting even their nuclear opportunity, as the same as You in USA and in NATO ; We do have the legal rights to protect ourselves against your threats and your continual invasions /occupation(s) ? Until you start by yourself and by Israel, start to disarm most of these nuclear facilities ; until you do not stop yourself from further military invasions and for more production of stronger bombs , underground powerful bombs programs ; do not expect the others will believe you ? You seem simply trying to control others by military in order to increase the value of your fallen dollar in stock market(s) that is sliding down in its economic value as a trusted financial currency , stop doing it via these questionable military operations/ invasions, seek something better civilized and more mature than that violent disrespected option ..! Is USA is afraid to fairly enter the civilized competition in development with others, in such natural pathways of civilized peaceful human development ? Don't try to bring these questionable changes by air -force and military operations ? because somewhere else people are watching USA / NATO with a dark black loaded memory and hate due to all of what you have brought to them by your non-accountable democratic secular governments, bringing unjustified, imbalanced so called democratic control and/or war invasions to manipulate the markets , the raw materials' flow and the poppet governments as your allies against their own people and which are truly standing against justice and human freedom ; In Surecracy Justice is a must thereafter comes liberty ; your liberty - in practices - is fully injustified ; your leadership to lead the others is untrusted and it lacks confidence and certainty; start by yourself the change must be starting by changing these injustified -controlling secular democratic visions that have no real values or problem solving justified capabilities to be recognized or to be admitted by everybody else including our faithful Muslim people especially those whom are living in their under-developing and Peaceful Islamic World(s), facing still your occupations and your democratic questionable invasions against true justice prosperity ..
Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement ,
Calgary, Alberta , Canada .. Copyright (C) 2009.