Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Surecracy Article #375: Surecracy Reveals Its Discovery Of Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory, Model & Mechanisms!
Surecracy Article #375: Surecracy Reveals Its Discovery Of Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory, Model & Mechanisms!
February 3, 2015 at 1:19pm
In this Particlar " Unique Surecratic Research Article " , The Scientist, The Modern Philosopher and The Contemporary Political Ideologue Sherif Abdel-Kerim Reveals The Secret Of The Most Dangerous Quandri-Dimensional Equation and/or The Multi-Dimensional Approach / Conspiracy Theory That Governs Democracy and which Is Integrodynamically Acting , Interacting and Reacting among Secular Democracy (A) / Man Invented ThyeoDemocracy (E) With Its Other Faces , Including: Autocracy (B) , Cliptocracy / Kleptocracy ( C / K ) and Crytocracy ( D ) According to Our Analytical - Opposing Point Of View(s) - In Surecracy ; Assisted by its Accurate and its Realistic " Surecratic Theory : ITAIR / TEMPT " ..!!
Here Surecrat(s) Reveal(s) Such A Dicovery Upon " Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory, Model & its Basic Foundation with Its Governing Corelationship(s) / Its Major Fundamental Strategic Mechanisms which are - by bias - influencing the Contemporary Political , Ideological , Financial-Economic and Socio-Cultural era in an Extremely Dangerous , Most Evil Manupulative and Destructive Approach to Indivdual(s) , Families and People's Life In Every Nation WorldWide as We Have Concluded From Our - In Depth Surecratic - Reseach Review and Analysis to the Actual Facual Reality.
In Such A Picture The Diagram Presented Below We Demonestrate The Following :
1. The Foundation Of Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory and/or Model:
A) Secular Democracy ( Secular Political System and Ideology Without Ethos With Its Belief In Socio-political Darwinism )
where : Democratic Fascism , Democratic Communism-Socialism, Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism , Democratic Capitalism: Including Democratic Libralism & Democratic Conservatism / Neoconsrvatism , Democratic Femeninism , Far East Indian Philosophies and Its people Applying Secular Democracy / Autocracy / Theodemocracy , Democratic Ecologism and Environmentalism ..etc. It is here in our diagram simplified into three
Major Categories which are : 1. Democratic Fascism 2. Democratic Communism - Socialism ( Rule of 1 Monopolistic party ) 3. Democratic Capitalism
( Rule by Multiple Competing Parties According to Socio-political Darwinism ideas)
B) Autocracy (Tyrany Where Abuse Of Power and Authority Occurs by Dictators )
C) Kleptocracy / Cliptocracy
( i.e Corrupt Government Officials Whom Are Personally Stealing People's Wealth and Natural Resources to their Own Benefits )
D) Crytocracy : It is a Form Of Shadow Corrupted Hidden Government behind The Political and Economic Scene(s). It is also A Hidden and A Manipulative Government implementing The World Globalization and The Controlling Corrupt Legalo-political Secular Imposed Concept Of " One World's Order " .. ! It is Strongly Connected or Interconnected With " Zionism : Jeudo-Christian and Secular Allies " as well as to " Mason's : Whom Worship Black Magic Darkness and Praying Their Devil " Lucifer " in their Strange Rituals and Practice(s)..! Cryptocracy has its own sub-divisions which are Interrelated to the Following Interactive Form(s) and/or Existance(s):
D4: Financial and Economic Cryptocracy
D5: Contemporary Political Cryptocracy
D6: Organised Millitary Armed Cryptocracy.
D7: Socio-Cultural Cryptocracy : In Control to manipulate System Of Thoughts , education and Media Of People.
D8: Natural and Human Resources Manipulative Cryptocracy ( at Both National and International levels )
E) Theodemocracy ( Man Invented Religion and/or Philosophic Belief(s) that Is /Are Facually, Absolutely Biased and Does Not Truely Belong To The Exact Descending Monotheistic Message(s) Of God / The Unique One Creator Especially It Is Mixed with Secular Hay Democracy ) ..
2. Relationship(s) Involved In Connection(s) and/or Interaction(s) ; where Acting , Interacting and Reacting Process(es) may occur In Such A Corrupt Quadri-Dimensional imbalanced Equation :
2.1: AB-BA : Secular Democracy Sudden / Gradual Change(s) into Autocracy / Tyrany and Prrotest(s) / Revolution(s) / Bloody Wars of the People and among People adopting Hay Democracy - to Force Stupidly - the Existing Autocracy Back to Secular Democracy and by the end of each cycle and vise versa ... etc. in such a " closed model of thinking and of believing " ! where " Catch 22 - i.e turn around yourself for getting nothing " definately occurs in a closed cycle within our presented model ..!
2.2: B1,B2 & B3 and C1,C2 & C3 : Forms Of Secular Hay Democracy bringing and establishing new relationships with both Autocracy (B) and Clipto - / Kleptocracy (C) .
2.3: AD-DA: Integro-dynamic Relationship(s) between Secular " Hay Democracy " (A) and " Cryptocracy " (D) and vise versa where D4,D5,D6,D6,D8 process(es) are integro-dynamically Acting , Interacting and Reacting.
2.4: AE-EA: Attempt Man-Made Trial(s) To Mix Secular Democracy of No Ethos With Man-Made Invented Theology / Religion ( Biased
Ethos) Resulting Into the Corrupted Foundation Of Theodemocracy; and Leading also to the foundation Of Specific Forms Of
Of EC-CE form(s) Of Theokeleptocracy / TheoCliptocracy - possibly formed - Of Christian , Jewish and JeudoChristian Church and/or Monarch In connection With Cryptocracy (D) ..!
2.5: CD-DC Secret Interactive Relationship between Kelptocrats / Cliptocrats (C) and Cryptocrats (D) and In An Integro-Dynamic Connection to the Sub-Categories Of Cryptocracy : D4, D5,D6,D7,D8 .
2.6: BD-DB Interactions among Autocrats (B) and Kleptocrats (D) With Cryptocrats ( D4: Political Zionism ) and ( D5: Financial -Economic , D6: Militarry Arm Deals / Facility using Corrupt Governing Secular Democrats (A) of Hay Democracy and D7: -D8:
for deception of the factual reality to people suffering ignorance.
3. Main / Major Interactive Mechanisms Being Involved Within This Presented Model " Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory " with its Conceptual Elements - at Both National and/or International Level(s) - Including The Following:
3.1: Spontaneous Chain Reaction Mechanism(s). (SCRM)
3.2: Negative Loap Feedback Mechanism(s).(NLFM)
3.3: Competition Mechanism(s). (CM)
Explanatory Comprehensive Application in some Examples Of Our Theory / Our Comprehensive Model Proposed :
1. Influence Of Cryptocracy controlling " Federal Reserve D4 and Media D7 to increase USA Government Bebts 13.4 trillion $ US to influence the politician of Hay Democracy / Secular Democracy (A) and Capability through its political senates (D5-A) to shut down USA Governments resulting into uncertainty and/or dangerous collapse and market - economy massive fluctuation .. It is well known that The USA Federal Reserve Bank is Owned by Zionists - Masonary Cryptocratic Private Sector Of Eight well known Jewish Families ( See this Article For Further Review : http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/25080 : The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families )
2. Influence Of Cryptocrats in globalization Of the World Economy and Trade and as It is also Interconnected to influence of most powerful secular democrats ( Presidents Of USA whoom has Masonary - Zionists' Backgrounds ) the Declaration Of One World Order and globalization of Wars became a fact in reality where United Nations was used by bias as a tool.
3. Implementing Secular Democracy Of Communism - Socialism by The military scaf Of Presidents M.Nagib / Abdul-Nasser In Egypt 1952 - 1974 followed by sudden change(s) by the military origin leader El-Sadatt to change Egyption Secular Democratic Communism-Socialism into Democratic Capitalism in Theory but supported by Autocracy and kelptocracy of corrupt governmental officials of hay Democracy being lead by The Egyptian Corrupted National Democratic Party , where those corrupt secular Democrats and Keleptocrats - During the governing Time Of Sadat - Mubarak Regime(s) stealing over 130 Billion Dollars and re-invest it in the banks and financial institutions of cryptocracy of the western democratic capitalism, The Egyptian - Arabic Of springs and/or revolution was used to implement Democracy in what is so called Moslem Brothers and Political Salafism Democratic League by Delusion(s) to result into the Reactionary Coup D'Etat lead by the Minister of Defence Al-Sissi ( A bloody Autocrat / A war Criminal Secular Keleptocrat ) via the process of " catch 22 Joke " supported by his Jewish - Zionists and Cryptocracy ties , using deception method(s) and followed by military extremely violant aggression supported By Masonary Israel - USA - UK as well as Arabs Zionists : UAE and Saudi Monorachy connected to world wide cryptocracy and to secular NATO democrats , resulting in extreme kios/Mess in Sociopolitical , economic and islamic culture/education in an unstability according to the plans of the grouped secular autocrats, kleptocrats and cryptocrats in Egypt and outside Egypt to promote for secular military nationalism with a high probability of civil war that can split Egyptian people and their one nation through Hay Democracy.
4. Organized Millitary Invasion and violance Of NATO ( secular democrats) supported by the Westrn Cryptocrats and Zionists in Central Asia ( Afghnistan - Pakistan ) and to iraq , South Sudan , Somalia , Yaman ..etc , Libya and South Sudan resulting in extreme destructive wars by political deception of Secular Western Democrats Supported by 3rd World So Called Popette / Hay Democratic Governments and Kings' Monarchy in dynamic connection with Secular Autocrats, Kleptocrats and Cryptocrats.
The Application Of The Surecratic Theory ( ITAIR and TMPT : The Islamic Theory Of Acting , Interacting and Reacting ) upon this Discovery Of Secular DEMO- AUTO- KLEPTO- CRYPTO- CRACY Theory, Model & Mechanisms will definately allow accurate analysis - with vital strategic Prospective - upon the rapidly developing news within the factual reality of Post-Modernism where the globalizatiopn of wars , the world sociopolitical and economic instability is becoming the most dominant phenomena where Secular Democracy seems collapsing on its own ; and where The Surecratic Moralo-psycho-Intellectual Revolution is getting more capable and competitive evenmore justified in such a contemporary Political Ideological Mess brought by Secular Democracy with its own byproducts including : Autocracy, Keleptocracy , Cryptocracy , Reactionary Religious Fundamentalism ..etc. in a world of uncertainty wars and troubles in presence of Secular Democracy .. There is no doubt that both Surecracy and Its Surecratic Theory are extremely capable and beneficiary to understand and to analyze the controversies within the world of Contemporary Political Ideologies In the Age Of Post Moderism Nowadays .. Isn't it ?! Both Subjectively and Objectively ?!
Sherif Abdel-Kerim
( Canadian / Egyptian ) ; B.Sc. & M.Sc. Pharm.,
A Scientist, A Modern Philosopher , A Contemporary Political Ideologue
And An Islamic - Monotheistic Scholar ;
Founder of Surecracy
and Establisher Of The International Surecratic Movement;
Calgary - Alberta , Canada.

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