Thursday, November 13, 2008

Surecracy: An Essence Of The Moralo-Psycho-Intellectual Revolution

Would the Dream of Humanity, In Seeking and Finding the Alternative to Democracy, Socialism ..etc. Come into reality as an independent existence ?!

Surecracy: A Theological, A Philosophical , A Contemporary Political and An Ideological Approach

Do We Evade The Truth To Know .. Do We Feel The Fears To change.. Do We Have to Live The Delusions As A Belief..! As A Philosophy; or Even As An Ideology..! And if We don't ; A Moralo-Psycho-Intellectual Revolution Is Needed Now To Be Emerged .. And We Have Reflected It.. Within The Essence Of Surecracy ..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International), Calgary , Alberta , Canada.

Book ISBN Number: 0-9730010-0-3 , 978-0-9730010-0-3 and 978-0-9730010-2-0

Surecracy الشورقراطية is the sole Monotheistic Universal Human Ideology - ever existed in human history- to emerge suddenly and nowadays for claiming the Moralo-Psycho-Intellectual Revolution at the beginning of the 21st Century.

Surecracy is being founded upon the creative aspects of an Open Model Of Thinking and Of Believing which makes it very different but unique as well compared to any other closed models of human thinking and believing that most people follow and other human ideologies fall into till nowadays..!.

In Religion Theology, Surecracy has lead to new discoveries in both science and religion as well as in many other related research applications in order to relevantly purify human theological knowledge; taking it from delusions into profound illusions that stabilize both the human intellect and psycho-moral as an integrated existence.

Surecracy builds its pro-foundation(s) upon the evolution of ‘ The Metaparaphysics Philosophic Theory { TMPT} ’ - published by the same author Sherif Abdel-Kerim since1989 - where it has lead to the discovery of Paraphysics in philosophy supported by discovering and/or establishing Meta-psychology in science as well.

Such a modern monotheistic philosophic theory ‘TMPT’ allows/assists human being(s) - as individual(s) and as group(s) in a micro- and macro-society to accurately test and evaluate human knowledge in light of other accountable knowledge; or in other words to moderately test - as for example not as for a limitation - human religion(s) and belief in light of science and philosophy or to test philosophy in light of science and religion or to test science in light of philosophy and religion(s) and vise versa in a very unique but moderate and accurate integro-dynamic model(s). Although Surecracy is considered - by its nature - a peaceful developmental human philosophy and/or a positive human ideology; yet it has brought with its emerge one of the most powerful - hot and illusive discussions - in conceptual thinking that even were forced to enter into the critics of the present human knowledge and into dramatic debates against mostly all the proceeding theories and the other coerce human ideologies in our mankind history; where a big part of this educational text book stands - from its opposing point(s) of view(s)- against the controversy being brought to us by all the well known ‘-ism(s)’ across human history untill nowadays.

It happened as Surecracy has just faced at least- the octagonal forces of eight major human ideologies altogether - where Surecratic Determinism founded its starting dialogue and its Surecratic debate(s) against: Fascism, Communism, Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism, thereafter other chapters about Surecracy versus Democracy and Democratic Capitalism ( including Liberalism and Conservatism ) as well as Surecracy versus Nationalism and Anarchism; followed thereafter by Surecracy versus Fundamentalism: including: Jewish, Christians and Islamic Fundamentalism; deliberating Surecracy versus Feminism and by the end Surecracy versus both Ecologism and Environmentalism..! These debates with its Surecratic claims towards inducing better realistic needed changes - within this book or the author's thesis - did not just stop at these issues but there are igniting introductions about other new subject matters including Surecracy versus Theocracy, Theodemocracy and Heirocracy as well as Surecracy versus Far East Indian Philosophies: including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Hinduism which had been criticized certainly in some of its critical illogical, philosophical and/or ideological aspects.

The Struggle of Surecracy extended itself to further stand - in between - Darwinism and Creationism { lead by Intelligent Design Movement} where The newly introduced ' The Metaparaphisics Philosophic Theory: TMPT ' presented a knowledgeable exciting debate(s) and forward its critics against both Darwin’s / Darwinism Theory and Intelligent Design Theory in revolution .. The matter did not just stop out-there but it forward another subjective Surecratic Debate against the controversy being brought by the Emotional Intelligence Theory being supported by its Emotional Intelligence Movement; with what is considered in discussions a powerful debate in its foundation and serious criticism from opposing point(s) of view.

The applications of both TMPT theory and the Surecratic theory opened widely the doors - to enlighten discussions dealing with both subjectivity and objectivity of knowledge - towards the significantly practical and to the unlimited applications of Surecracy where In education: it presented its intellectual property and its pended invention: Collaborative Cooperative Education: Coll-Coop system. In psychology: Surecracy debated Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung & AL ..etc theorists presenting better views and the new foundation of Metapsychology in science. In Sociology & Law: Surecracy presented what may help the family - as the basic unit of human societies - in addition to the Multi-Dimensional Approach Resolution in Human Abortion putting its profound views towards formulating better legislation(s). The application of the above two theories in politics have resulted into the foundation of a unique system of governing; known as: ‘ Politeia Surecratia ’ or { The Surecratic Polity Model(s) }in Ruling and Governing. It clicks - like a lock and key - with any Democratic and any Socialist system to smartly convert it into the Surecratic Governing System(s) giving thus to our world; new visions and a true alternative to Democracy; Communism and Socialism and how to rule by Polity as well.

In Economics: the Surecratic Banking System(s) and its Financial Organizations certainly highlighted a realistic resolution to inflation(s) with the cure to the world economic / financial crises via the Non-Interests’ Rate Banking Systems to create a needed equivalent balance through granting people the alternative(s), another competitive opportunity in business and banking , with its newer models to fill the gaps which ignite the economic disasters and wars, being mostly lead -in history - by democrats, communists and socialists.

This book/thesis also is also presenting - in its closing pages - Surecratic Literatures / literary which reflected Surecratic Themes and beautiful meaningful Poems.


Copyright (C) 2008, All copyrights issue reserved in this Thesis and Textbook Publication to ' The International Surecratic Movement { ISM International }' Calgary, Alberta , Canada.

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