Sunday, November 15, 2009

What The Majority Of Muslim People As Well As Most Of The Arabic and The Islamic Governments Are Not Aware Of ..?! Democracy Versus Surecracy ..?!

Factually Democratic Capitalism has lost its battle in both the intellectual and the ideological arena, hence its representatives are hardly and persistently trying to keep their physical presence in some forms of ( military, corporate economy, financial/banking system links .. etc.) and by their nosey political interference throughout many parts of the world which seems getting far away from their NATO full control, as capitalists' democrats drag themselves and the other followers into their own economic depression or crises and into their own national socio-political troubles ..! Any smart man or even any normal average mind's person will presently be capable of knowing - within this factual reality -what Democratic Capitalism is troubled with and lacks to convince people everywhere, and why it can not be accepted by every body upon the globe or by people - in many nations - as the majority ideology especially as the world's fast growing population - particularly in the 3rd World - is presently suffering moral problems, hunger(s) / starvation problems and lack of basic natural and agricultural food supplies in face of natural disasters, war and poverty .. it all happen as an indirect result of Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Communism - Socialism exploitation to people with bad theories that can not justly withstanding by itself .. !

Democratic Communism-Socialism has failed already with the failure of WARSO league lead by the dissolved Soviet Union USSR and East Europe WARSO and even within the reproduction of its own hybrid-like state, mixing communism with capitalism in the blend of China which also has its own economic, socio-political, religio-cultural troubles and/or defects to lead the rest of the world .. Both of these democratic ideologies lack the intellectual foundations enough to be acceptable or to be proven just or even practical to the human mind(s) capable of diagnosing the defects and this matter is assisted by another fact that the Democratic Capitalists themselves with their states system(s) did not seem to be truly following capitalism and democracy -in reality- as being taught and/or theoretically advertised to be followed. In the human rights arena they all have faced significant failures and controversies as well .. Nobody nowadays really believes that democracy can work well especially under lack of big wealth/money or can even be considered an ethical acceptable system to grant many of the human needs, except for those whom are living their life with apathy, self-centered egos of selfishness or living within their own democratic delusion(s) associated with hypocrisy and/or corruption and/or addiction(s).. In addition to those who feel afraid to change what they are use to and do even not care about understanding any other different developmental approaches ..! They delusively believe that only their Materialistic Democracy and Darwinists philosophies are the best ones for every body while it is not - in fact - the suitable vehicle for themselves and/or for others .. The History Of Democratic Fascism and Democratic Communism in East Europe are related democratic pragmatic examples - not for limitation- and who of them really cares to show themselves the defects of Democracy and why it doesn't work for everybody ?!

As the Developing World seems in its own struggle of people; seeking their own alternative in presence of poverty, economic, social, political and environmental crises; with the political leagues battling among their different groups and/or militia (armed groups) willing to jump over the political governing chair of power; destabilizing its own selves and its national and international peaceful development, justified stabilities and throwing out better opportunities for the optimum development for its people ..

We have highlighted in our previous publications why both ideologies of Communism and Capitalism failed in both theories and its own practices in reality , the same as they failed to prove it is working in the intellectual and factual physical reality bringing more injustices in the world, preventing it from moving justly forward in such a messy and imbalanced jungle-like reality .. The present history is simply indicating these simplified factual issues that reflect a simplified summery to the complexities of such subjective details within the existing network of democracy ..!

What most of the Muslim people and their governments are Mal-comprehending that democracy, capitalism. socialism-Communism can be working with Islam; or even be working under the Western / Eastern imperialists' ideas of the separation of Religion from the State, building two separate elites, it is creating cultralo-religious, intellectual-psychomoral splitting related problems to the harmony within the individual(s), their micro-society and it causes many socio-political controversies ..etc. It even brings out new form(s) of related of unidentified Religio-cultural or Socio-political schizophrenia within the individuals' community, the societies and their nations as an observed phenomenon in each democratic nation .. Both the democratic societies of capitalism and of socialism-communism know very well - in their factual reality - where it became a repeated observed hypocritical issue to pretend this type of splitting / separation is working while practically it does not match and can not work in harmony together .. splitting the moralo-psycho-intellectual integrity and/or the balanced harmony in existence within every human being , society and in every governing state and/or nation have created practically more problems than solutions / resolutions in order to support these needed elements for optimum individuals' development, communities and state progress upon strong balanced solid foundation ..

When Democrats fail to impose their ideas and to influence others by debate - in the cultralo-religious , the socio- political or the economic theoretical and practical arena - they turn back - Like Rambo in Hollywood - to hold up their guns, shoot by arms' attack and violently invade others - bypassing international laws, Islamic Laws - in order to impose their handicap theories into the existence by armed force side by side with their imperialistic physical presence and educational invasion(s); by fire and steel; while they reform their allies with forced so called democratic poppet allies or servant government(s) against the free will of the Muslims' people, associated with their democratic misleading / delusive propaganda in order to questionably justify their occupying presence and their war in action(s), threats of economic sanctions ( Middle East, Africa , Asia, East-Europe Islamic Societies as examples ); and for distracting the thinking peaceful minds about the true reasons for their democracy related ideological and socio-political failures where they live and where they invade and/or occupy others' lands especially in the Islamic Developing world.

Such an Islamic - including the Arabic-Islamic - World(s) has been still paying a very high price by its irrelevant loyalty to democrats, facing their physical attacks, their violent army destruction in various dimensions and the democratic intelligence conspiring illegal activities; it simply happens because of their factor of jealousy and fear guiding both the Democratic Communism-Socialism and Democratic Capitalism from the re-birth / re-necessaince of a newly established and a stronger Islamic State anywhere, which can properly and justly be looking after their own Islamic uniting interests and caring carefully to develop the best life for its own people and to be able of giving the different Qur'anic and Islamic Model(s) to the others especially those whom are disbelieving in democracy, Capitalism and Communism .. They all know very well that they can not compete with us - especially when we are getting more stronger - or within any clever intellectual debate / battle of ideology and even within the socio-political / the ideological opened arena where Surecratic Justice comes to play a crucial rule in the first place of any knowledgeable discussion ..! Now what we see in the news and the scenes the fact that the individuals and the Groups of Islamic Militants' resistance(s) are emerging and are talking - via the ongoing counter attack fires - the same language of violence as the democrats act in the present and the past ..!! They talk the language of force that the democrats do now understand as the statement(s) of the leader(s) of These Islamic Jihad Militants indicated following September 11Th, 2001 in Al-Jazz era News .. The outcame results are / were immoral outbreak(s), a worldwide economic crisis associated with significant natural disasters that Democrats have a big/huge responsibility in its creation, it is happening due to their incapability to change themselves as democrats and to their unacceptable various forms of imperialism, violent conspiring attitudes against the Muslims' people development in the past and in the present ..! It is now more difficult for democrats to win even their violence military battle against Islam's limitted number of militants compared to the huge resources of grouped allied democratic nations .. We also recorded that their NATO millitary general(s) are crying for more troops and more developed arms as their military mission is facing jeopardy / risks under the counter fires of Islamic Jihad limitted Millitants resistance as the case of Afghanistan and Iraq .. They want a quick war victory, but their media and news broadcasting indicates they can not take a long term war which they have already initiated by their invasion to our Islamic lands, USA is withdrawing its military from Iraq and Canada is willing soon to withdrow from Afghanistan as a historical recorded observation, The Democratic Forced election failed the legimitacy test with evidence of corruption within the poppet governing body ..! They can not - anymore - factually stabilize themselves or stabilize their injustified claims or even stabilize the world's peace with such a democracy leading ' a global monopoly ' , its brought elements of corruption(s) with democracy and its misleading promises to the Muslim people whom are witnessing all the democrats' war crimes; the Muslim people who need something better as an alternative to both democracy and communism ..! to bring a true needed strategic balance to this world, it can happen via creating - at least - such an International ' TriAngle Of Forces ' bearing various ideologies(Shari ha) and in human knowledge as well being established by the birth and the presence of ' Surecracy ' and active ' Surecrats ' in competition with capitalism, communism for the best free choice(s) for all mankind, inducing realistic justified change(s) and keeping the world peace in balance ..!

Surecracy - as a universal new, human uniting and an Islamic / Monotheistic ethical Human ideology - is factually creating a needed intellectual and even an ideological legal threat(s) to both Democratic Capitalism and Communism-Socialism being created as the official leagues of democracy that is being seen presently malfunctioning..! Democracy - as Aristole Warned - is taking itself to its own factual opposite .. ! Our Politiea Surecratia { The Surecratic Polity Model(s) in governance } is becomming an essential necessity for the human socio-political re-development ; it is starting towards inducing a realistic true change(s) in the life of nations; starting by the minds of people and even to the ones using their justified emotional intelligence in addition to their intellect in their socio-cultural life ; in the present and in the future of humanity; seeking still for such needed alternatives to democracy, capitalism, socialism-communism and fundamentalism; each one has brought its own controversy versus such a unique balance and moderation within Surecracy that is always be working to resolve many of the presently existing problems which are devastating human lives, destabilizing the economico-political , social and any reasonable cultural related stabilises .. What Most Muslims as people in various nations and their governing bodies or national Governments are not so aware of, is the fact that not only Capitalism - Communism had fallen down in the ideological arena but also Muslims and believers in monotheism already have their best alternative opportunity to develop and/or progressively move forwards with the new birth of Surecracy that will definitely fulfills all their moderate ambitions and their religious, socio-cultural and economico-political..etc. developmental needs with the start of our Universal Moralo-Psycho-Intellectual Revolution since the beginning of this 21st Century..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Author & Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Copyright (C) November 2009

Reference to the author:

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