Monday, April 11, 2011

Surecracy, Egypt & Democracy: Delusions Of Democracy Are Still Misleading People, Political Parties and Muslim Brothers In Absence Of Alternatives!

In absence of strategic political and ideological alternatives, In the Presence of such a factual significant educational and socio-political literacy, added to another fact that the people's reactionary revolution - against the long period(s) of governing by autocracy and/or the military governing dictatorship(s) in Egypt 1952-2011 - where people are presently rushing without having an enough time to think and/or to know better knowledge regarding the strategic practical alternatives, being now guided by their factors of fear(s) and ignorance associated with the delusions that Democracy has became the sole seen available alternative; especially upon the present sudden crash of their old autocratic authoritarian system occurring where here the human history record(s) indicated some recent observations and/or examples - where other people's and nations to fall into democracy with its own troubles such as: the fall down and crash of Soviet Union ( WARSO ) or the strategic sudden shift in between Democratic Communism-Socialism of the dictator Mao into Democratic-Capitalism mixed with Chinese Communism being present nowadays in China; or the present claims of Tunisians and Egyptians - in post Mubarak - seeking for the change(s) while people seem getting more and more blinded following the unrealistic dreams and the delusions of democracy, getting with it the best life standards and wealthy through a democratic party lead by a democratic leader president and his party for bring back people's dreams and hopes into the reality for a needed better socio-political, economic life standards and human freedom of expression where the opportunists' promises may always appear onto the floating surface, surfacing the waves of people for jumping onto the governing chair of powers.

In addition, We have found another observation in the heart of the Middle-East and Africa : Egypt that its religion's leaders / stars try questionably - in the presence of Democratic Monopoly and its globalization policy in trade, finances and economy - are trying hardly to religiously justify that Democracy is the suitable vehicle and/or the best mechanism to apply the Quranic Concept Of Shura الشورى according to their very questionable delusive views of Political Islam and the Holy Book(s) including Qur'an..!

While Surecracy was watching closely this fast developing revolutionary reality, happening in the Middle -East countries especially in Egypt; where still the influence of Democratic Capitalism, Globalization is obviously observed to infiltrate people and to influence politics out there; and where the moderate Islamic Fundamentalists / Reformists lead by Muslim Brothers are aiming for political power after waiting for a long period of time .., in presence of ' Other Secular Leaders and parties 'and old ' ex-Mubarak regime ' aiming to get back their power with reorganization or at least to share it; all are presently shouting and even unethically working for misleading their own people by singing the favorite music of this 19-21st century with the usual song of Democracy.. , Democracy while carrying their banners of nothing but Democracy; it happens on questionable purpose in front of the eyes of everybody - as usual - and in every TV, Radio, Magazine and available Newspaper - in a western style propaganda - in order to induce a maximum status of Mental / intellectual saturation and in presence of the full Psycho-moral Bias and/or Delusion(s) to the available mind of the Egyptian People, being distracted among various protests' events and political powers appearing on the scenes while Egyptians are suffering from educational ignorance, socio-political literacy in its most naif way and overwhelmed by their factor of fear, poverty and their oppressive past memory in no time to think, or to review or to get an in-depth vision of wisdom about what is the alternative to choose from in such a very fast developing short time and in absence of the needed suitable leaders to guide both the nation and the revolution, bringing this realistic suitable change(s) that truly and practically help its the revolution and its own people ..!
Another Factual Problem; That We have Identified - as Surecrats - in Such a Surecratic Review ; is related to the following Multi-Dimensional Factors; which empower the people's delusion about Democracy, influencing both people's fear from religion and politics; are caused by both Muslims' Brothers (Reformists, Revivalists and radicalists ), Salafists ( Radical Fundamentalists) in addition to The Egyptian Coptic Church's role which are :

1. Salafists including Islamic Jihad radical group considered - especially its military Jihad league- their division of the people and the country into Dar Al-Harb and Dar-Al Islam where in their salafism pragmatic radicalists' view that attacking civilian citizens is allowed because they live in Dar Alharb without the presence of such political and religious Islam that matches their questionable views .. Salafists leaders also cooperated with autocratic Mubarak regime against other Muslims and they also questionably claim obedience of the governor / Khalif-president Amir أميرeven if he is wrong or is abusive to his people in governing especially if Shura - for them - is non mandatory according to their limited views in governance ..! They did not participate in the 25Th January 2011 protests and Revolution , a matter which made people doubt Salafistism to lead their revolution as it has its own illogical autocratic and depressive views; why it might be better - in reactionary manner of people - to switch to democracy ; especially in presence of incapability of Salafism to meet the needs of all people and its incapability to creatively think to present suitable and practical model(s) of moderate governing as alternative to democracy.

2. Muslims Brothers started their movement and history by political assassination of political leaders such as Noqrashi and others ..etc., under their oppression by military dictators of Jamal Abdul-Nasser, Anwar El-Sadat, Husni Mubarak, They have learned to avoid political coercion to survive and to enter as limited minority - as independents or in affiliation with other parties -the Egyptian parliament, They officially denied both the youth and the Egyptians revolutionists protests and acts of 25Th January 2011 against Mubarak Regime, declared denial of its then suddenly switching into jumping over the shoulders of everybody - as if they are the real leaders in opposition of Mubarak - to jump as revolution leaders to prepare for election and governance very questionably; and promoting for moderation and unity same as Democracy as a national algorithm floating with the scenes of 25Th January 2011 Revolution of Egyptian people; they also were disable to present creative alternative contemporary political ideology that is suitable for all Egyptians and similarly failed to give alternative political system design(s) / Model(s) in innovation of governing as Surecracy and its movement did by presenting the Surecratic Polity Model(s) which acquire all people including mainly the believers in Monotheism ( Muslims, Christians and non-Zionist Jewish whom believe in God : Justice and peace, human liberty and Mutual love in God and Humanity ); Muslim Brothers are viewed by Surecrats as unsuitable socio-political group to lead Egyptian People and the nation because of their untrusted history that oscillated between Democracy, Shura as non-mandatory for Governor, full obedience to their leader(s) oscillating their pendulum between Democracy and political Islam and obedience to military autocrats for survival and disability of innovations to present better ideology and political new systems that are functional .. their Islam is as guided by Hassan El-Banna, Sayed Kotob whom are individuals with limited views that does not work for the whole nation and/or all Egyptians or Muslim People..

3. Coptic and Catholic Christians: They oscillates among the position of their popes in cooperation with authoritarian military presidents of Egypt 1952-2011 including Mubarak, their others promoting for secular democracy and the few of them trying to appear leading the Egyptian Revolution where some of them were supporting people and others; thus causing the creation of socio-political and religio-cultural disturbance الفتنة الطائفية والسياسية .. in addition to the fact that Coptic - in general - mostly prefer Democracy than Political Islam; guided by the factor of fear from Islamic Fundamentalism growth..! accordingly many Coptic empower and promote the idea - like Europe - of separation between religion and state and promoted repeatedly everywhere to the delusions of Secular Democracy as the solution, one of them is Google manager Wael Ghonim, Some political party members and news- media personel..!

Our Surecratic Analysis and Conclusion:
It appeared as being analyzed above by observation that multi-dimensional factors are interfering with the sense of wisdom and common sense of people to figure out what are the alternatives for Egyptian people in such a national and international drama and its related contemporary political pressures, all to push Egypt - as a country - to adopt secular democracy in rush and in the presence of significantly low factor of knowledge, high factor of ignorance and literacy associated with irrationality, where people are used to and even are trained - for long - to seek for such an individual who may lead their ship towards fulfilling their dreams; under the presence of such an intensive of propaganda ; for different motivations and/or causes from various groups and incapability of creative innovations of fundamentalism (Civil state with Religion Guide) all directed towards individualistic view who would be chosen as the best governor / president and who is the best religion guide in such a state ruled by Democracy as a questionably functional system to represent political Islam and Non-religion secular government simulating USA,UK, Europe Western Democracy style where democratic corruption survives everywhere in different forms; under such a media saturation and propaganda associated with distraction of the system of thoughts for most people and opportunist leaders - promoting for themselves - it became obvious that no body seems capable to learn yet from their own nation's past and/or the world human history where democracy - due to its unstable nature - can easily oscillate between democracy and autocracy with corruption at any time depending the quality of the people in power and leaders ; and it appears that there are clearly loss of visions at all stages where many want to jump over the shoulders of people to take the advantages or the chair and use the momentum of people to acquire easily power where the anthem song of democracy, democracy is questionably being repeated to fully saturate the mind of every body in the absence of socio-political wisdom , the needed essential time of knowing , in presence of hypocrisy and the intensive foreign influences upon the media and the global democracy monopoly, people still do not know where to go to find out their most suitable vehicle and/or contemporary political and ideological alternative ; where Surecracy and its Surecratic Polity are still presently and independently standing with open hands; but who knows it may take Egyptians another decade or even a century to learn about one fact that such an imported democracy will never be such hoped suitable alternative for people whom seem clearly do not know the difference between political Islam and Democracy as everything is mixed up in a cocktail salad of sociopolitical and religiocultural literacy and confusion ..!

Sherif Abdel-Kerim, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Pharm.
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement ,
Calgary, Alberta , Canada - Copyright 2011.

Reference on Some of Our Surecratic Comments On-Line:

Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Zenedi - Saudi Arabia statement in Arabic - at the following web link:

الديمقراطية مثلاً بعضهم يقول إن الديمقراطية من الإسلام ناظراً إلى جانب الآليات في ممارسة الحكم، وبعضهم يراها كفراً لكونها تجعل الشعب مصدر الحاكمية التي هي في الإسلام لله من خلال شريعته في القرآن والسنة، وبعضهم سعى لصياغة للمصطلح ربط فيها الديمقراطية برمز إسلامي هو الشورى فقال الشورقراطية.

Our answer as a comment is posted on our face book of Sherif Abdel-Kerim:

Sherif Abdel-Kerim اسماء محفوظ و
تفلسف د. عبد ا لرحمن الزنيدى السعودى فأخطأ حينما جمع إفنراضاته بين الديموقراطية والشورى حتى ودون الربط بينهما على أسس الفلسفة القرآنية فى الحكم السياسى للمحتمع القرآنى والإسلامى تباعا فقال:وبعضهم سعى لصياغة للمصطلح ربط فيها الديمقراطية برمز إسلامي هو الشورى فقال الشورقراطية والخطأ هنا لإن شورقراطيتنا تقوم على نظام
Polity NOT upon Democracy ?!!.
وشورقراطيتنا مبنية على النظرية الإسلامية لمبدأ الفعل وحتمية رد الفعل ونظرية الوجود الشاملة ولها سند من آيات القرآن الكريم وتسمح علميا ودينيا وفلسفيا بمراجعة القرار السياسى فى ظلال القرآن الكريم والسنة الثابتة الصحيحة ليكون قرار السلطة السياسية والشعب مطوقا بكل أسباب السلامة وهى أيضا لاتتعارض كمنظومة فكرية وسياسية عملية وتطبيقية مع عقائد التوحيد الإبراهيمية والأديان السماوية الصحيحة وآخرها الإسلام

Sherif Abdel-Kerim: Surecracy الشورقراطية is based Upon Surecratic Polity بوليتى
NOT Upon Democracy الديموقراطية

الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية - The International Surecratic Movement, Canada

مشكلة المصريين أنهم لم يتعلموا الذهاب بين العبادو ربوع البلاد للبحث عن الرجال الإمناء الواعين الصالحين، لتزكيتهم للحكم ولكنهم كسالى فى البحث فى أرجاء البلاد، بل ينتظرون لمن يجيىء إليهم فيرشح نفسه بنفسه أو لحزب له مصالح خاصة ليقوم بذلك ؟! فيبيع لهم الوعود، ثم يخدعهم ويستذلهم بعد ذلك.. هذا حق وإن لم يعجب البعض لحقيقته ..!، أليس كذلك ؟ - الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية

هل فى كل مصرى فرعون يتتوق للسلطة متخفيا ، ليظهر بعد ذلك فجأة حينما يمتطى كرسى الأدارة أو كرسى عرش الحكم بالبلاد .. ألاتلاحظون ذلك كشعب عاشها 5000 سنة وماذا إخترعتم من حلول لمنع ذلك الآن .. لإن كان لكم ردا فقولوه، وإن لم يكن لديكم حلا فأقرؤا مانقدم اليكم من حلول لاتقليدية من فكر الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية- بإبتكار لمصرى أصيل - فى الحكم والسياسة الشورقراطية ؟

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